Backyard Permaculture Makeover

The development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient.

Permaculture is the art of working with nature to design a landscape that sustains both humans and a diversity of life forms.  Lawns consume so much energy, water and labour, yet they provide almost nothing in return, either to humans or wildlife. 

We will be presenting a hands-on permaculture sheet-mulching and accompanying introductory theory afternoon.
-uncover an overgrown permaculture garden design.
-discover how to apply low-maintenance strategies to increase yields

A zero-waste light lunch will be provided.  

Please bring garden gloves if you have them and dress appropriately.

Saturday Nov. 30 11am to 3pm: 
LOCATION:  A Strathcona Garden.  Please register for more details.

To pre-register e-mail DIYonthedrive {at} gmail {dot}com or call 604 889-2308

~ supported by a vancouver foundation neighbourhood grant ~


  1. If we are interested in hosting a workshop how do we contact you?

  2. DIYonthedrive [at] gmail [dot] com
    (Written this way so we don't get spam. To email us, replace the stuff in brackets with the usual email punctuation (@ and .)
